President's Report - AGM 2022
President Warren Maher, pictured on the deck of the Tairua Pauanui Sports Fishing Club
Written by Warren Maher - TPSFC President
Welcome members and patrons to the Tairua Pauanui Sports Fishing Club Annual General Meeting for 2022. We have arrived at the end of our second full year here at the Marina. It has been a year of frustration at not being able to hold a number of our flagship tournaments, especially the Shimano Standup, Fish n’ Chicks and the very successful inaugural Big 3. This has reflected in around a 20% downturn in income and profit.
Enough of the not so good stuff; this year has seen some great catches come across the club scales and some good bottom and land based fishing when the South easterlies allowed. Wayne will cover this in more detail – and once again Wayne, thank you for your excellent meticulous work with our records. I would also like to thank Steve Denby for not only his help behind the bar, but the work he has done in digitising the tournament weigh in data and also the growing number of trophies and boards we ask him to design and create.
Cie, as well as Treena, Lilly, Jacqui and just lately, Rocky, have kept the bar running smoothly and efficiently through busy and quiet times, while often having to deal with the inconsistent supply chains as well as could be expected.
Cie has been outstanding in her promotion of the club through our social media platform which has been proved to be an effective marketing tool for our club. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate her on her promotion to Chair of the NZSFC Communication Committee. Well done Cie – your time and efforts have been recognised.
Marine and her crew have once again kept us well fed with an ever changing specials menu and regular roast nights, and her running of the Quiz nights is a huge bonus for club funds as well as a fantastic member event through the winter months.
Thank you to Caitlin, our dedicated and diligent Treasurer who does an excellent job of keeping our accounting up to date and accurate. With the incoming Committee we are hoping for an uninterrupted season, and have a number of club improvements in the pipeline including, a more weather friendly deck area, improved use of the downstairs area and the purchase of a Marina berth for a future club asset.
Once again, I thank those of you who continually volunteer to drive our courtesy van and the handful of members who continue to maintain and attend to any work around the club that needs attention. I appreciate your work and efforts.
A huge thank you to our growing group of sponsors who are always ready to support our club – your continued generous support is much needed and we are grateful for your contributions and backing of our club events. Thank you to all our members who support our bar – every club needs members like you!
Now let’s enjoy a great summer and tight lines! Thank you all.